Jl. Kelapa Hijau - Bukit Indah Sukajadi - Batam 29642

  SVD Batam SOVERDIA (Awam SVD) Pelayanan Kitab Suci Pelayananan Internasional Liturgi dan Devosi Tirta Wacana  
"Aku sepenuhnya menyerahkan diriku kepada kehendak Tuhan dan membiarkan Ia mewujudkan keinginanNya atas diriku. Jika Ia mengijinkan sesuatu yang lebih berat menimpa diriku, aku masih tetap siap sedia dan menerima semuanya dari tanganNya "
(Arnoldus Janssen)

"Tugas kita yang paling utama ialah mewartakan Sabda. ... Pewartaan kita haruslah demikian rupa, sehingga ia memancarkan keagungan Kabar Gembira, dan dengan demikian orang dapat mengakui amanat Allah dalam kata-kata kita" (Konstitusi SVD 107)

Kumpulan artikel oleh Aurelius Pati Soge
Tiada Hari Tanpa SANG SABDA
The ministries of the Church carried out by priests demand proper responses to face the change of time. In the modern world, shaped by secularism and fundamentalism, Priests as front runners in the pastoral ministry have to be vigilant and do not allow themselves to be swallowed by the secular phenomenon. They have to stay faithful to their commitment to proclaim the Good News. The author discusses the needs of developing proper on-going formation to enrich their spirituality, intellect and personality. A day without the Word of God is an illustration how to sustain that quality.
  Imamat Sebagai Instrumen Kerahiman Ilahi
The celebration of the Year of Mercy, 2015-2016, has influenced the life of the whole church in particular, and the whole world in general. Everywhere people realise, that the world today really lacks of mercy, apart from all advantages people enjoy in terms of economy, politic, education, culture, etc. It does directly or indirectly affect many different services in the church, including priestly life and mission. The author discusses the needs of associating current priestly life and mission with the life and mission of Jesus, the High Priest of the New Testament. All priests should consider themselves as partakers of Jesus' priesthood and use their role to serve people.
  Reconciliation with God and others: the way to peace
Rekonsiliasi merupakan kebutuhan penting yang perlu terus menerus diusahakan agar bisa ada damai sejati di antara Tuhan dan manusia, dan di antara manusia dan manusia. Dunia sering kali terjebak hanya dalam pola pikir hukum sipil, yakni keadilan harus ditegakkan. Namun keadilan tanpa rekonsiliasi tak dapat membawa damai sejati. Namun syarat untuk mencapai rekonsiliasi adalah tobat dan pembaharuan diri. Penulis menekankan keteladanan Yesus dalam devosi Kerahiman Ilahi sebagai model rekonsilasi sejati, yang perlu diterapkan di dalam keluarga-keluarga, komunitas umat beriman dan Gereja seluruhnya.
  Pelayanan Lintas Gereja Sebagai Wujud Dialog Profetis
Ecumenism is a sensitive subject but long time desired by many Christians who want to implement the word of Jesus, who eventually prayed for the unity of his faithful. There are so many good rationals for the movement, however, it is not easy when it comes to real implementation. So many resentments grow among Christians themselves, which makes things difficult. The author then shares his own personal ecumenical endeavor as a part of his response to ecumenical missionary task, based on the new definition of Divine Word missionary approach, the so called Prophetic Dialog. The goal is not to form uniformity but unity in diversity.
  Eko Pastoral sebagai pilar pemberdayaan KBG di Keuskupan Pangkalpinang
Environmental issue was an important finding during the 2010 Synod of the Diocese of Pangkalpinang. It is important to bring this ecological problems into pastoral ministries. Therefore the author suggest there should be a serious process of integrating the issue into all pastoral approach. Firstly ecological concern should be integrated into pastoral awareness that opens a way to eco-pastoral animation, consisting of ecological conversion and justice. Once all pastoral ministers have this awareness, they would be able to lead people to further spiritual development and pastoral implementation within the Eclesiastical Basic Communities.
Sebuah "test case" Passing Over Misioner
The author raises the issue of mission passing over within the Society of the Divine Word, Jawa Province, when moving from conventional pastoral ministry such as parish ministry to a more specialized ministry, implementing the spirit of Prophetic Dialog as the ne paradigm of the SVD mission today. While acknowledging that the handing over of the parish ministry might be painful to many, it is actually a chance to fulfill the spirit of Prophetic Dialog, which requires true understanding of the real essence of the missionary task.



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